for Ridgefield Schools
Thank you for voting YES on
Propositions 12 & 13!
Strong Schools, Strong Community

Strong Schools,
Stronger Ridgefield
We Passed Props 12 & 13
With 54.8% for Prop 12 and 55.21% for Prop 13, our community has once again shown its commitment to strong schools and a bright future for our students.
By passing these measures, we have renewed funding for vital programs and services and taken a huge step forward in ensuring Ridgefield Schools continue to thrive. This means more opportunities, better resources, and the ability to meet the needs of our growing district.
For nearly eight years, this community has worked toward securing a new elementary school—this victory is the culmination of that dedication and hard work.
Thank you for saying YES to our schools, our students, and our future. Ridgefield is stronger because of you!
About Citizens for Ridgefield Schools
Citizens for Ridgefield Schools (C4RS) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization comprised of 100% volunteer Ridgefield citizens who work to support the passing of school levies and bonds.
This community-led initiative is committed to ensuring quality education, resources, and opportunities for every Ridgefield student. Together, we advocate for the resources our schools need to thrive.